Home > Artworks > Patrizia D'Ambrosio Laneri

Photo of Patrizia D'Ambrosio Laneri Uruguay

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Homepage: http://monossabios.com/Patrizia_D_Ambrosio.html

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Homepage: http://monossabios.com/Patrizia_D_Ambrosio.html

BIO: http://monossabios.com/HISTORIA_DE_VIDA.html

MS ""> (painting and art in general), add missing activities in 2008 and 2009.

Registered as a playwright by the Ministry of Education and Culture.


Work climb: "For every one. "

Registered in the Uruguayan Society of actors acting and technical http://www.sua.org.uy/staff/sua/H/sua_BandaAncha_Paginado_Search.htm

MS ""> announcer, actress and musical performer recorded in SUDEI, pseudonym: Marbusell, Member N º 3098, 16/06/2004 Income

Film / Radio / TV:

"There is a sky beyond" ... Video Library copy of the Embassy of Uruguay in Cuba, was exhibited in Chile, Argentina, Italy, Spain and the U.S. samples always beginners. Never competed.

0pt "> Fiction Video Contenti Maximilian:

http://monossabios.com/20_oct_08_Hay_un_cielo_mas_alla_cuento_de_Patrizia_D_Ambrosio.html (video, story and exhibitions)

On youtube http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=XYQEMcS0Ht8

www.marbusellproducciones.com (under construction, but the short is gone).

Two other works (documentaries) were shown only once each.

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TV Scripts

fiction: "For the love of Rachel"

investigative news program "wise monkeys".

black; font-family: "Trebuchet MS" "> author edits in books with two stories and poetry. American Authors.

Since November 2007 he edited the magazine free "wise monkeys" with 30 partners from Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Spain, with about 3,000 different users enter each month, according to statistics from the site.

Magazine wise monkeys: http://monossabios.com/

Articles posted: http://monossabios.com/Patrizia_DAmbrosio_Guia_de_articulos.html

monkeys at the sites of Uruguay Guide http://www.guiadesitios.com/result2.php?lid=1&rubro=152

Marbusell Productions: http://www.marbusellproducciones.com/

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